Woman Empowerment

This is the best time to be a woman!

For thousands of years, we were oppressed, repressed, held back, and grossly underestimated. But no more ladies; the only one who can hold us back now is ourselves. We need to awaken the goddess, diva, and badass within. She has been screaming to get out. Now is the time!

My principles for woman empowerment

  • Stop being a martyr. Dream big and go after your heart’s desires.
  • You are more than capable. You are always more than enough.
  • Love yourself completely and unconditionally.
  • Your sole purpose in life is not to care for and nurture others.
  • Stop apologizing for being you. Stop apologizing for having ambitions.
  • Express yourself. If you have something to say, say it!
  • Learn to set boundaries and don’t accept nonsense in your relationships.
  • Don’t put everyone ahead of yourself always.
  • Stop feeling guilty for asking what you need or going after your dreams.

Let’s take back what is ours

Why women need to be empowered

We have been taught to believe that our only job in life is to be wives and moms. As such, our own dreams and desires have had to take a backseat or be surrendered entirely. But this is no longer the case. My messages for women include topics aimed at:

  • Completely empowering us as women.
  • Healing and reprogramming mindsets that have caused us to view ourselves as not enough.
  • Healing codependency issues that prevent us from living our best lives and making the choices that will propel us forward toward our dreams and ambitions.
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